A Message from the New NJHIMSS Chapter President - Chas Thawley
Greetings fellow NJ Chapter HIMSS Members! My name is Chas Thawley, and I am honored to be your new chapter president for this year (7/1/20 – 6/30/21). So far, 2020 has been unprecedented as the Coronavirus pandemic has brought many uncertainties to our communities and families, and to each one of us as individuals. We have been challenged to innovate to combat this deadly pandemic. As I have attended webinars and talked to many of my peers at other healthcare organizations, I have learned of countless ways you all have stepped up and worked together to care for so many of our New Jersey residents.
As we enter the second half of the year, we in the great state of NJ know that the pandemic still persists, and we must continue to work together to provide care to the people we serve. Together we are stronger, and I look forward to working with everyone to carry on the vision of the NJ Chapter of HIMSS to “create a thriving community of healthcare professionals that is working to improve the secure use of technology in healthcare”.
To make the most of our offerings check your email for monthly NJHIMSS newsletters filled with information about current and future events, including our conferences and webinars. Visit our website for information about our committees and board members and follow us on Twitter and Linkedin for all of the latest information.
The Board is devoted to enriching your professional careers. Our chapter is most successful when ALL OF US participate.
A special thanks to our outgoing executive team: Nina DiQuollo, President, Bill O’Byrne, Vice-President, Gerry Blass, Secretary, and Darlene Carr, Treasurer.
Your new executive team includes Mike Chirico - Vice-President, Kathy Contratto - Secretary and Ronnie Daldos - Treasurer.
Welcome to our returning and new board directors: Fred Molinari, Kendall Hendrick, Dr. Kennedy Ganti, Jennifer D’Angelo, John Ulett, Bala Thiru, Monae Haskins, Edward Henry, Dr. Anthony Rosania, Jaimie Fox, Jim Hennessey, and Julia Staas.
Be well and stay safe while enjoying the rest of this beautiful New Jersey summer!